komponiert zum 400 Geburtstag von W. Shakespeare: ‚lediglich Spieler‘
All the world’s a stage.
And all the men and women merely players.
William Shakespeare
Merely Players was written for Jane Mitchell and the St Mary’s Recorder Players to mark
the four hundredth anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, and received its first
performance in Bristol on 13th June 2017. It is based on Jacques‘ famous speech from
As You Like It beginning All the world’s a stage……. and may be performed by three soloists
or by a larger ensemble with several players to a part. A performance may be preceded
or followed by a reading of the complete text; alternatively each of the seven movements
may be preceded by the appropriate section of text.
Allan Davis
Alan Davis wurde 1945 in Birmingham geboren. Er studierte am „Royal College of Music“ und an der Universitäte von Oxford und Birmingham. Als Blockflötensolist konzertierte er intensiv mit Alter Musik und zeitgenössischer Musik und lehrte am „Birmingham Konservatorium“ sowie an der „Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama“. Momentan unterrichtet er an der „Chetham’s School of Music“ und der „Junior School“ des „Royal Northern College of Music“. 1979 gründete er das Blockflötenorchester „Birmingham Schools’ Recorder Sinfonia“, dessen Leitung er bis heute innehat.
In den letzten Jahren engagierte er sich zunehmend in dem Bereich der Komposition und schreibt vornehmlich, aber nicht ausschließlich, für die Blockflöte. Seine Musik weist stilistisch elektronische Merkmale auf und birgt den Einfluss der Polyphonie der Renaissance, der seriellen und minimalistischen Musik sowie des Jazz.
Alan Davis was born in Birmingham in 1945. He studied at the Royal College of Music and Universities of Oxford and Birmingham. He has performed extensively as a recorder soloist in both early and contemporary music, and has held recorder teaching appointments at Birmingham Conservatoire and the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. He currently teaches at Chetham’s School of Music and the Junior School of the Royal Northern College of Music, and continues to direct Birmingham Schools’ Recorder Sinfonia which he founded in 1979.
In recent years he has engaged increasingly in composition, writing primarily though not exclusively for the recorder. His music embraces an eclectic stylistic range, and bears the influence of renaissance polyphony, serialism, minimalism and jazz.